"Show Me the Evidence"


Richard Flanagan's book Toxic: The Rotting Underbelly of the Tasmanian Salmon Industry was a shot across the bow to the salmon farmers. Toxic tells the story of an industry that has lost its way in the pursuit of profit, and the references contained therein are the evidence that the cost to all of us -- the trustees of Tasmania -- is too high. This website is a follow-on from Flanagan's book, a deep-dive into the science. These references are systematically arranged as they are cited in each page. We have made every effort to be accurate and current, and we warmly welcome additions, corrections, and healthy debate. 

Wicked Problem REFERENCES

[1] Rittel HWJ, Webber MM. 1973. Dilemmas in a General Theory of Planning. Policy Sciences 4:155–169. 

[2] Rayner S. 2006. Wicked Problems: Clumsy Solutions – diagnoses and prescriptions for environmental ills, Jack Beale Memorial Lecture on Global Environment, ANSW Sydney, Australia. 12 pp.


Precautionary Principle REFERENCES

[1] Peterson DC. 2006. Precaution: principles and practice in Australian environmental and natural resource management. In 50th Annual Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society Conference, p. 38. Manly, New South Wales: Productivity Commission. 

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[7] HSI. 2021. Tasmanian salmon farms pushing rare skate to the brink of extinction. Humane Society International, 28 May. 

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[9] Gershwin L. 2013. Stung! On Jellyfish Blooms and the Future of the Ocean. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 424 pp. 

[10] Rayner S. 2006. Wicked Problems: Clumsy Solutions – diagnoses and prescriptions for environmental ills, Jack Beale Memorial Lecture on Global Environment, ANSW Sydney, Australia. 12 pp. 

'Did You Know?' REFERENCES

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[6] DPIPWE. 2020. Regulatory Impact Statement. Water Management Regulations 2019, Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment. Water and Marine Resources, Hobart. 58 pp. 

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[9] Jensen I-J, Eilertsen K-E, Otnæs CHA, Mæhre HK, Elvevoll EO. 2020. An Update on the Content of Fatty Acids, Dioxins, PCBs and Heavy Metals in Farmed, Escaped and Wild Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Norway. Foods 9:1901.

[10] Gershwin L. 2013. Stung! On Jellyfish Blooms and the Future of the Ocean. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 424 pp.

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[15] Mianzan, H. W., Pájaro, M. et al. 1997. Salps: possible vectors of toxic dinoflagellates? Fisheries Research 29, 193-197. 

[16] Giesecke, R., Clement, A. et al. 2014. Massive salp outbreaks in the inner sea of Chiloé Island (Southern Chile): possible causes and ecological consequences. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research 42, 604-621.



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[1] Ibrahim, M. M., Fjære, E., Lock, E.-J., Naville, D., Amlund, H., Meugnier, E., et al. (2011). Chronic consumption of farmed salmon containing persistent organic pollutants causes insulin resistance and obesity in mice. PLoS ONE 6:e25170. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0025170. 

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[1] Gershwin L. 2013. Stung! On Jellyfish Blooms and the Future of the Ocean. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 424 pp.

[2] TAMP. 2021. Atlantic farmed salmon in Tasmania's waters: 2021 snapshot, Tasmanian Alliance for Marine Protection, 2 pp. 


[4] Bennett B. 1999. Healing the Derwent's murky blues. Ecos 100:10-17.

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[9] Giesecke R, Clement A, Garcés-Vargas J, Mardones JI, González HE, et al. 2014. Massive salp outbreaks in the inner sea of Chiloé Island (Southern Chile): possible causes and ecological consequences. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research 42:604-621. 

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